You feel you’ve tried every single Time Management tip you could find, read all the available books and have by now so much knowledge that you could write your PhD on it; yet still time slips through your fingers.
What if I would ask you: what is your relationship with time? There are 2 aspects that you might want to consider: the quality of the relationship, and the purpose of the relationship.
- The first aspect relates to how much you value your time, how precious it is for you. Is it your resource or your pain? Is it maybe something to fix, to control or a gift to be grateful for?
- The second aspect to look at is the purpose of your engagement in this relationship. Your “time” is actually your “life”, and the purpose of this relationship is your life purpose. Is there a greater purpose in your life, a north star that will keep you on track no matter what life throws at you, or are you drifting away?
I do not believe we can control time, just as I do not believe we can make time. Time is simply one dimension of our universe, and as that good old joke says – it exists so that everything doesn’t happen at the same time.
The way we experience time, on the other hand, is in a purely subjective way, and this is something in our power to change.
Coaching is a great tool at your disposal for finding out more about your relationship with time and your overarching values and goals.
If you would like me to walk you through this journey, let me know.